What Should You Avoid When Developing A Search Optimized Website?

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If you want to create a successful SEO strategy for your website, there are many factors to keep in mind. While SEO is important, keeping your website quality high is essential, as Google can recognize poor-quality mobile-friendly websites. In addition to being unresponsive, a website that fails to load quickly or provides a smooth mobile experience can harm search engine rankings.


Avoid Stuffing Keywords

Google takes spam, malware, and other malicious activities very seriously. It takes action against these sites if they violate its policies. The best way to avoid these problems is to develop content that provides value to users rather than stuffing keywords. Google has blacklisted sites that overuse keywords to increase their search ranking. Instead, create content that solves user queries and helps the search engines rank your website high. Google is also sensitive to user-generated content, but this freedom is often misused to create spammy backlinks.



Another thing to avoid is cloaking. Cloaking involves presenting human users with different content and URLs than what they see. It is against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and can lead to unexpected results. You may also be accused of hiding or placing text behind an image. In either case, the search engine will still see it as a page, violating Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.


Doorway Pages

Doorway pages are designed to rank high for search queries, but they don’t serve as the ultimate destination. Instead, they may lead to a series of intermediate pages that aren’t useful. Doorway pages are an excellent way to funnel traffic to a relevant part of your website. Doorway pages can target multiple regions while also targeting pages similar to the final destination. They can also help you target several regions and pages in search results.


Focus On Your Content

Using non-niche keywords is also not recommended. While adult-themed keywords can generate search traffic, they won’t convert on pages related to pet nutrition. That’s why avoiding this kind of keyword use is essential. Regardless of the niche, it would be best if you focused on content first. If you’re writing about pet nutrition, don’t write about the nutrition of pet parakeets.

     What Should You Avoid When Developing A Search Optimized Website?


Make Sure That Your Content Is Over 1,000 Words

The best way to attract links is by producing long, valuable content that is over 1,000 words in length. Google understands that long content attracts links. After all, people are more likely to read over 1,000 words of lengthy content. A high-quality website with a long content structure will rank higher on Google. In fact, in 2006, there were hundreds of SEO companies in the US alone.


Avoid Putting Too Many Images On Your Website

Too many images on a website are a big no-no in SEO. Not only do too many images make your website look cluttered, but they also slow down the loading time. That makes it hard for people to read and makes it less efficient. Moreover, too many images can cause the page to load slowly, negatively impacting your site’s SEO. Another way to improve page load speed is to place your user scripts in external files.


Use a PageSpeed Testing Tool

Page speed is not only crucial for users; it’s also essential for Google to crawl your website quickly. If your page is too slow, it won’t rank high on search engine results. If your site is slow, you won’t have as many visitors as you’d like. Using a page speed testing tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights is a great way to optimize your website without wasting time and effort.


Always Stick to Three or Four Keywords Per Page

While keywords are essential to your SEO strategy, they are often overlooked. Stick to three or four keywords per page, and don’t overuse them. Keyword stuffing is a bad SEO practice that can get your site de-indexed. While it’s tempting to use many keywords, it’s best to keep them to a minimum. You’ll benefit in the long run if you follow these simple tips.



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